Tarot Coaching

This world is calling us to all show up as our beautiful, powerful selves. Showing up is a lifetime process of peeling back layers of habits and defenses to reveal the jewel that is our emerging authentic selves.

Engaging in a longer-term process can result in substantial, lasting change that redirects you to a more authentic, powerful you. Tarot is a vibrant and responsive guide to help that process unfold and allow you to be more in charge of your own life and more influential in the world. Tarot is masterful in helping you through challenges while identifying your resources and focusing your intention on who you want to be.

Julia offers three different levels of investment for your process of unfolding. Each level contains a tarot reading per session, each building on the previous ones. Participants can expect to do some journaling, reflection, and maybe even some action steps between each session. Handouts will be provided.

It’s a truly magical process full of synchronicities and unexpected delights. Each one is unique to you because it’s guided by your own Essence self with tarot outlining the way.

Schedule a free consultation with Julia if you are interested in any of these offerings.


The Power of Three: 3 Sessions

Three is a magic number where change can happen and spiral you into the next level. As with all tarot readings, we begin by identifying your desired outcome and dedication and then do the reading for the session. The second session is determined by the previous one and your discoveries in between the two. The final session is the “reconciliation” of the two previous sessions and provides the shift to the next stage in your process. Expect to do some exploration on your own in between sessions and an action to “activate” the change you seek in your life.

Payment is due in full when booking the sessions. Other arrangements may be possible.



The Octave: 9 Sessions

The Octave follows the analogy of serving a meal, from the conception, through preparation, dining, and integration. You are the chef and chief taster and first recipient of the meal. Who you are after dining is your gift to the world.

This process has the potential of profound change, reorganizing how you perceive yourself and gives you the clarity to reclaim your inherent Beauty. It helps you to identify where you have outsourced your power and to take full responsibility for who you are, putting you in charge of your life.

You will come away with at least one Power Story of You, in an art form of your design, your own personal myth that is the foundation of who you are in the world.

The Octave is for those who feel the calling to identify their purpose and fulfill their potential, those who are in a transitory time and can use the guidance to help navigate the way forward, and those who want to be more effective agents of change in their own lives and in the world,

Participants can expect to make the time for reflection and journaling in between sessions, as well as do some simple, specific action steps outlined in the sessions readings.

All sessions must be booked in advance as much as possible. Recommended to do 2 sessions per month and must be completed in 9 months.

Payment is due in full when booking the sessions. Other arrangements may be possible.



Your Emerging Self: 13 Sessions

This offering gives you the spaciousness to go deep into your Self and identify and unwind the tangles that bind you and liberate your energy to be the beautiful and powerful being that you know yourself to be. The process is much like metamorphosis of a caterpillar into a butterfly.

The first session begins with an overview of your goal and intentions and a reading based on one of the cards in your tarot profile. There will be some homeplay between sessions, such as journaling, recording your dreams, and possibly some action steps a simple as a small ritual in your back yard or a week long trek that you’ve been wanting to take. Each session will unfold from the previous one and discoveries that happened in between. It is all ultimately designed by you with the cards’ and Julia’s guidance. Expect to complete one or more projects or actions that will integrate, activate, and enhance your capacity for meaningful play.

The sessions should allow at least two weeks in between each one and be completed within 13 months. Scheduling in advance will be done quarterly.

Payment is due in full when booking the first quarter sessions. Other arrangements may be possible.


Schedule a free consultation with Julia if you are interested in any of these offerings.